Thursday, 2 March 2017

Anabolic Steroids

Build Stamina and Endurance in 10 secret ways

Building stamina and endurance, no matter what sport you play, is a big deal. Trust us when we say that it is not easy. It may not be easy but it is not unachievable. An example is, the Tennis player Roger Federer, who is 35 years old, nonetheless, look at his endurance and stamina on court! Same goes for marathon runners. Building stamina and endurance for any sport requires dedication and continuous motivation.

Remember you cannot achieve that level over-night, rather you have to work on it. Give yourself some time and be patient. So now let us guide you through the process of building stamina and endurance like an A+ super athlete!

Combine Strength Training with Cardio
The most common mistake anyone ever makes, is to focus on cardio workouts only. Remember cardio and strength training workouts go hand-in-hand. The more strength training you do, the more muscles you will build, but to proportionately increase your circulation, you have to incorporate a cardio workout. The best way to do it is to combine these two together. Do some bench-presses, pull-ups and run a mile or jump rope.

Sacrifice your Break time
Generally, people give themselves a rest period of 60-90 seconds between each set, which is not bad. But if your aim is to increase your endurance, you will have to sacrifice your break time. And by sacrificing your break time, we mean that your muscles should be on fire! The less breaks you take, the harder your muscles will work and the better your endurance will be.
Make up a plan and try to do the sets, back to back, with minimal break time and surely you’ll see an increase in your endurance. To increase your stamina and endurance, 

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lives up to its promises and delivers exactly what you want: increase stamina without any side-effects!

Increase Your Tempo!
It may seem tiring, but actually increasing your tempo can increase your stamina over time. It is one of the best ways to ignite your metabolism and literally, charge up your muscles. However, remember that consistency is the key! Listen to some fast-paced music while you curl your biceps or do the bench-press!

Compound Movements are the Key!
Doing isolated exercises may seem easy, but to increase your stamina and endurance, you will have to give up isolated exercises. Compound movements are efficient as they work multiple muscles and joints at the same time and most importantly, they keep your brain in the game! Working out multiple muscles, at the same time, ensures that your body is fully activated and the muscles are engaged! An example is that of dead-lifts and lunges with lateral raises.

Challenge your Muscles
Just like any other thing in life, a gym routine can become monotonous. And with monotony, there is a chance that you will lose the motivation to work out. It is only but natural. So how can you avoid this slump in your workout routine? The answer is simple: change your workout routine regularly! Changing your workout routine is one of the best ways to continuously challenge your muscles. Do not stick to the same routine everyday! But make sure, you combine a cardio workout with your strength training routine. Challenging your muscles requires an increase in muscle mass and strength and it is here that 

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steps in, providing you with increased muscle strength and mass, the right way!

Add Explosive Movements
Explosive movements challenge your stamina and endurance at all levels. You will see that the more you do these explosive movements, the more balanced you will be! Burpees, box jumps and power push-ups are all good examples of explosive movements.

Stretching is the most important, yet the most over-looked part of any exercise regime. Yeah it sounds boring, but actually pre-workout stretching warms up your muscles and gets them ready for the challenging workout ahead. Without stretching, chances are that you might injure your muscles. A post workout stretch is just as important. Try to incorporate stretching, even on your off days. An additional benefit of stretching is that it helps in skeletal muscle fiber recovery, as well!

Say No to Carbonated Drinks
Carbonated drinks may seem very tempting, but besides the fact that they have empty calories, they actually cause bloating in your stomach and reduce the amount of oxygen you breathe. So the next time you are working out, keep a water bottle with you. You don’t want to mess with your endurance training by gasping for breath, every time things get tough!

Push Yourself!
Challenge yourself everyday! If you ran a mile in 12 minutes, challenge yourself to do that in less time. The more you challenge yourself, the better you will get at increasing your stamina and endurance!

Building Stamina and Endurance Can Increase the Quality of Your Workout and You Can Build Your Stamina and Endurance with These Easy Steps!

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